
Bacteria, Eukaryotic microbiology, Food safety, Viruses

My favourite books of biochemistry and microbiology

I love books and the knowledge they contain. These are my absolute favourites in the disciplines I hold nearest and dearest to my heart. I have been a student of biochemistry and microbiology, lectured in these subject areas and been a researcher too in bacterial physiology, enzymology and protein chemistry. So really, biochemistry and microbiology are the disciplines at the core of my scientific expertise.

To me, the right book just inspires and excites. Choose the wrong book, and an exciting topic becomes dull and boring. These books just bring alive the exciting world of biochemistry and microbiology in a logical way through easy-to-read text, appropriate tables and figures and a natural flow of topics. Some books just don’t do that.

If you wish to buy a book in these subject areas, I very highly recommend these titles. Furthermore, if you follow these links to buy them on Amazon, then I’ll earn a commission, at no extra cost to yourself. Every so often, I’ll introduce and describe some products that I love and wholeheartedly support. Then, I’ll move them to a dedicated page on my website here for products I love and how to buy them. Please support Food Microbiology Academy and buy your books, and other products I recommend, through here! Many thanks…

Bailey and Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology I used this book as a 3rd-year undergraduate student of clinical microbiology at James Cook University (Townsville, Queensland, Australia) in 1997. While it wasn’t full of fancy colours, at least not then, it was packed with tables and all the absolutely necessary information about microorganisms of clinical significance.

Prescott’s Microbiology In 2008, I was the sole lecturer for a 1st-year subject introductory microbiology subject in the biotechnology Bachelor degree course at Box Hill Institute in Melbourne. When it came time to select the prescribed textbook for my students, there was no doubt in my mind, of course it was going to be Prescott’s Microbiology.

Stryer’s Biochemistry While I’ve never used it as a student or a lecturer, Stryer has always been my first choice reference source for general and introductory biochemistry. Comprehensive account of classical biochemistry, this text has stood the test of time for nearly 50 years. Hard to beat that.

Doyle’s Food Microbiology Over the years, I have been in awe of the content of Michael Doyle’s amazing book on food microbiology. A truly tremendous resource that properly covers the field of food microbiology. If you’re going to compile, then do it properly, and this is one of the very best.

Denniston’s General, Organic and Biochemistry As a lecturer of 1st-year chemistry in 2009 at what is now Melbourne Polytechnic, this was easily my go-to choice of prescribed textbook for my students. It so eloquently takes the student through the key and fundamental areas of chemistry, and for an introductory text, what I especially like is it’s coverage of biochemistry.

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